- Year
- Matter
- 1969
- Founded in Sonezaki Osaka city
- 1970
- Launched the introduction type of medical system by the minicomputer.
- 1971
- Released the dock system of three hours.
- 1972
- Released the central use medical information system by the office computer.
- 1978
- Relocated the headquarter office to Nishitenma ,Osaka city
- 1984
- Released the medical information system UNIX version.
- 1986
- Relocated the headquarter office to Suita city ,Osaka prefecture.
- 1990
- Established Hospital System Research Institute Ltd.
- 1994
- Released the medical information system for dispensing pharmacy WINDOWS version (Midori preparation drugstore).
- 1994
- Released the medical information system for Mental Hospital WINDOWS version (Yugaoka Hospital)
- 1995
- Released the order entry system 'CHITOS' (CSS Hospital Total Ordering System) for general hospital WINDOWS version ( Shitenno-ji hospital)
- 1997
- Released the order entry system 'NEWTONS' (New Technology Ordering Network System) WINDOWS version (keiji medical centre)
- 2000
- Released the electronic medical record system 'e-Karte' ( Johtou Central Hospital )
- 2001
- Acquired all shares of Hospital System Research Institute Ltd.
- 2002
- Hospital System Research Institute Ltd. was renamed "SSSuport Ltd."
- 2003
- Relocated the headquarter office to 1-7-38 Nishimiyahara,Yodogawa-ku ,Osaka city
- 2003
- Participated in the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare standard, electronic clinical record promotion committee.
- 2004
- Listed on Japan new market "Heracles".(current:"JASDAQ")
- 2014
- Relocated the headquarter office to 2-6-1 Nishimiyahara,Yodogawa-ku ,Osaka city
Merged with OMC Co., Ltd